The project
SELF ORGANISATION DEVELOPMENT is a collection of writings about letting things happen without letting go. From an angle of my field of work – organisation development – I follow the question how to read, surf and gently guide the dynamics of a social system to find and unfold its groove. I am interested in how we can rely more on self-organisation and emergent development in process facilitation and what can be done when things get sticky or stuck along this way.
The texts published here are excerpts of a book I am wrestling with. They are not perfect and complete but they want to get out. I am happy to exchange views and insights on the ideas shared in them.
The author
ANDI KNOTH is a process facilitator, coach and social systems developer. He is a partner of SOCIUS, a cooperative consultancy based in Berlin, Germany. With a background in critical psychology and business he has worked in various international organisations and foundations and has more than 20 years of experience in the consulting profession. His most passionate fields of research and engagement include self organization development, opportunity driven strategy and transsectoral networks.
Contact: knoth (a)